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- Download Computational Drivers
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Well I have got an alternate fix, with the use of Brigadier, that downloads BootCamp 6.0 for my MacBookPro9,1 mid-2012, and 6.1 supports the APFS-boot-to-mac-functionality. First install the version that won't support all keys on ancient macbooks, with Brigadier -m iMac19,1 Then you will have in your Download folder a BootCamp 6.1 install. Depending on the instance type, you can either download a public NVIDIA driver, download a driver from Amazon S3 that is available only to AWS customers, or use an AMI with the driver pre-installed. To install AMD drivers on an instance with an attached AMD GPU, such as a G4ad instance, see Install AMD drivers on Windows instances instead. Data Fitting computational routines are functions used to perform spline-based computations, such as: spline construction computation of values, derivatives, and integrals of the predefined order cell search Once you create a Data Fitting task and initialize the required parameters, you can call computational routines as many times as necessary.
Download VMD:
VMD is a molecular visualization program for displaying, animating, and analyzing large biomolecular systems using 3-D graphics and built-in scripting.Visit the VMD website for complete information and documentation.
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Version 1.9.4 LATEST ALPHA (2020-12-21) Platforms:
Latest pre-release ALPHA test version
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 SSE, with CUDA 9.x, OptiX, OSPRay)
- MacOS 11.x, ARM64 (64-bit 'M1' Macs) (Apple MacOS-X 11 or later)
- MacOS 10.15, x86_64 (64-bit Intel x86_64) (Apple MacOS-X 10.15 or later)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.10.x to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- Windows 32-bit (32-bit Intel x86) (Windows 10)
- Windows 64-bit, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (64-bit Intel x86_64) (Windows 10)
Version 1.9.3 (2016-11-30) Platforms:
We recommend that all users upgrade to VMD 1.9.3
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 SSE, with CUDA 8.x, OptiX, OSPRay)
- LINUX_64 Text-mode w/ EGL (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, Text-mode w/ EGL)
- LINUX_64 Text-mode (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, Text-mode)
- LINUX MIC-AVX512 Text-mode (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel Xeon Phi MIC w/ AVX-512, Text-mode, OSPRay)
- LINUX MIC-AVX512, OpenGL, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel Xeon Phi MIC w/ AVX-512, OpenGL, CUDA7.5, OptiX, OSPRay)
- LINUX OpenPOWER Text-mode (Linux 64-bit IBM OpenPOWER w/ VSX, Text-mode)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- NCSA Blue Waters (Cray XK7 w/ OpenGL) (NCSA Blue Waters (Cray XK7) MPI, CUDA, OpenGL Pbuffers, TachyonL-OptiX)
- ORNL Titan (Cray XK7) (ORNL Titan (Cray XK7) MPI, CUDA, TachyonL-OptiX)
- CSCS Piz Daint (Cray XC50 w/ EGL) (CSCS Piz Daint (Cray XC50) MPI, CUDA, EGL Pbuffers, TachyonL-OptiX)
Version 1.9.2 (2014-12-29) Platforms:
We recommend that all users upgrade to VMD 1.9.3
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA, TachyonL-OptiX (Linux (RHEL 5.5 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 SSE, with CUDA and TachyonL-OptiX)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX_64 Text-mode (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, Text-mode)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- NCSA Blue Waters (Cray XK7 w/ OpenGL) (NCSA Blue Waters (Cray XK7) MPI, CUDA, OpenGL Pbuffers, TachyonL-OptiX)
Download Computational Driver Course
Version 1.9.1 (2012-02-04) Platforms:
- LINUX PPC64 Text-mode (Linux PowerPC (64-bit) Text-mode)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X 10.5.x or later)
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds (Experimental builds for MacOS X)
Version 1.9 (2011-03-14) Platforms:
- AIX6_64 Text-mode (IBM AIX 6 (64-bit Power) Text-mode)
- Blue Drop Text-mode, OpenCL (NCSA/IBM Blue Drop (64-bit Power7) Text-mode, OpenCL)
- LINUX PPC64 Text-mode (Linux PowerPC (64-bit) Text-mode)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8.7 (2009-08-01) Platforms:
- AIX6_64 Text-mode (IBM AIX 6 (64-bit Power) Text-mode)
- LINUX PPC64 Text-mode (Linux PowerPC (64-bit) Text-mode)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ...)
Version 1.8.6 (2007-04-07) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ...)
Version 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ...)
Version 1.8.4 (2006-04-16) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8.3 (2005-02-15) Platforms:
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8.2 (2003-12-05) Platforms:
Use the 'OpenGL' versions of VMD unless you have a specific need to use the Mesa version.
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
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Version 1.8.1 (2003-06-15) Platforms:
Use the 'OpenGL' versions of VMD unless you have a specific need to use the Mesa version.
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8 (2002-12-09) Platforms:
Use the 'OpenGL' versions of VMD unless you have a specific need to use the Mesa version.
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.7.2 (2002-02-06) Platforms:
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.7.1 (2001-12-23) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- LINUXPPC Mesa (Linux PPC with Mesa)
- MacOS-X Mesa/X11 (MacOS-X with Mesa/X11)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.7 (2001-08-01) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- LINUXPPC Mesa (Linux PPC with Mesa)
- MacOS-X Mesa/X11 (MacOS-X with Mesa/X11)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.6.1 (2001-04-22) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- LINUXPPC Mesa (Linux PPC with Mesa)
- MacOS-X Mesa/X11 (MacOS-X with Mesa/X11)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.6 (2000-12-22) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- LINUXPPC Mesa (Linux PPC with Mesa)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.5 (2000-06-28) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX5 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 5.x using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.4 (2000-01-07) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX5 GL (SGI IRIX 5.x using hardware GL)
- IRIX5 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 5.x using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 GL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware GL + CAVE)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Abstract: Motivation: Uncovering the genomic causes of cancer, known as cancer drivergenes, is a fundamental task in biomedical research. Cancer driver genes drivethe development and progression of cancer, thus identifying cancer driver genesand their regulatory mechanism is crucial to the design of cancer treatment andintervention. Many computational methods, which take the advantages of computerscience and data science, have been developed to utilise multiple types ofgenomic data to reveal cancer drivers and their regulatory mechanism behindcancer development and progression. Due to the complexity of the mechanisticinsight of cancer genes in driving cancer and the fast development of thefield, it is necessary to have a comprehensive review about the currentcomputational methods for discovering different types of cancer drivers.Results: We survey computational methods for identifying cancer drivers fromgenomic data. We categorise the methods into three groups, methods for singledriver identification, methods for driver module identification, and methodsfor identifying personalised cancer drivers. We also conduct a case study tocompare the performance of the current methods. We further analyse theadvantages and limitations of the current methods, and discuss the challengesand future directions of the topic. In addition, we investigate the resourcesfor discovering and validating cancer drivers in order to provide a one-stopreference of the tools to facilitate cancer driver discovery. The ultimate goalof the paper is to help those interested in the topic to establish a solidbackground to carry out further research in the field.
Submission history
From: Vu Viet Hoang Pham [view email][v1]Thu, 2 Jul 2020 05:18:08 UTC (1,537 KB)
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